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Sussex County Badminton AGM 20/21 – 7.30pm 17th June 2021 (Zoom)

Notice to all affiliated clubs and players. 

We will be holding our AGM on the 17th June 2021. Sadly it can’t be face to face, but we would love it if you could join us for a virtual Zoom meeting.

Reports and minutes of last year’s meeting will be published on the website in the week before the AGM.

Amongst other things we will be electing the following officer posts at the AGM:

  • Chairman
  • Deputy Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Chair of Sussex County Junior Badminton

Should you wish to join us at the AGM then please contact providing your name and the club to which you belong. The secretary will then provide you with the meeting login details.

Kind regards

Sara Foster

Secretary SCBA
